Friday, February 02, 2007

Well, I am sick as a dog - in bed for 3 days! So here I am...2 days in a row, with a new addition each day! Today I added a counter, to see if anyone actually ever comes here, or if I am just talking to myself - which I do a lot, but I have never written it down before as proof.

Now I guess I actually need to get out into "the scene" - to see and be seen.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Well, let's try to get this going!!

I have added a slide at the side- showing some of my creations! Now if I can only get going on actually blogging, this could become something!!
Although I am pretty intimidated when I check out some of the amazing "blogging talent" out there! But this can be my own little corner of the Blogger's world, and if I am the only one to see it, so be it!!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wow! I knew this would take some getting used to! I will have to get into the habit of coming here daily....but most of the habits I have are bad ones....developing a good one could be difficult!

The Women's conference I went to was amazing - the speaker was Lisa Bevere. What a wonderful Godly woman! I'm so glad that I went.

Pretty lazy day around here! Watched a couple of movies, did a little laundry, and here I am. Only spot of son Lindsay fell off the roof as he was putting up Christmas lights! Thank God he is okay, just a little shaken and sore.

Here is a card that I made for Lindsay for his
17th birthday a couple of weeks ago - did it for
a sketch challenge on Splitcoast Stampers.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Bless you today!
Well, here it is Friday - that would make 2 postings this week! That's 1.5 more than I thought I would accomplish!

I put this card together yesterday for a friend who is attending Marriage Encounter this weekend. I think Vintage Violet and Bordering Blue will have to be a new fave combo for me. The card was inspired by a card by Newstamper on SCS....but other than the color combo, ended up quite different.

I love that place! I spend more time there, seeking inspiration, and living vicariously through the truly "talented ones" than I should. But I get so many ideas!

Well, off I go to the "real world".... unfortunately, there is a distINKt possiblity that I will not stamp till Sunday. I have a Women's conference to go to tomorrow. Looking forward to it! The speaker is Linda Bevere - a Christian woman who is quite - shall we say - feisty, from what I have heard. I hope so....I need a kick in the butt these days!;-)

Caio for now!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Well, this will likely be a little (or a lot) lame at first. I have never done this before, and I'm a little nervous. I feel sorta naked and out there - anyone can see this! Although most won't want to!!

I am a Stampin' Up demonstrator. More hobby than anything else at this point, although I may have a couple of clubs starting in the next few weeks, if I can nail these girls down!! We'll see! I guess you could say there are a couple of distINKt possibilities!! :)

This is a card I made last year, when I first got "Heartfelt Thanks" and my watercolor crayons. Both are my favorites!